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Sales Self Talk

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Sales Energy

Sales Energy: The Three Things We Must Master to Step into Our True Potential

August 03, 20234 min read

Sales energy is the most important part of your sales (and marketing!) strategy. Any strategy in the world is going to work if your energy is aligned. No strategy in the world will work if your energy is not aligned.

This is exciting - because it means that means you get to decide as the creator of your reality, how you market your stuff, how you sell your stuff, and who buys your stuff. You literally get to determine your own success. 

The Foundation of Sales Energy

Whether or not you successfully generate sales comes down to your relationship to three things: your relationship to sales, your relationship to money, and your relationship to what people think.

In order to create great content and have powerful conversations that ultimately lead to converting clients, you need to master those three things. 

Your Relationship with Sales 

If you're struggling with sales, it's likely that you have a negative relationship with it. So many business owners are afraid to go all in on their sales efforts because they feel spammy, gross, pushy, or weird about it. 

They're literally afraid to connect with new people or create too much sales focused content because they don't want to feel salesy. 

This is a form of self sabotage, because when you show up as that version of yourself who is afraid to sell anything, people can feel it. When you show up afraid, you are never going to inspire enough confidence in somebody else to buy something from you. 

And if this is how you're showing up, your sales will always suffer and your business will not grow at the pace you want it to. 

Shifting the Relationship

The negative feelings you have around sales are likely rooted in fear. Fear of what others will think, fear of failure, or a fear of being pushy or spammy. To fix this, we need to change the narrative. 

My favorite way to shift this energy is to enter rewrite the story. Selling is helping and selling is serving. Every single time I make an invitation to someone to buy my stuff, I am serving them and I'm helping them get the result that they want by working with me. 

We have to show up and sell in this energy of loving to help and loving to serve. This creates a positive relationship with sales and this will drastically change the way you feel and the way you show up and the results you are able to create. 

Our Relationship with Money

How we feel about money will have a direct impact on the amount of money we are able to create for ourselves. 

When we think that money is hard to come by, that money is hard to make, that we have to work really hard to make money - then making money will always be a struggle. 

Ultimately, sales is the exchange of a product or service for money. If your relationship with money is broken, you will always have a hard time showing up powerfully and confidently when you ask for money in the sales call. 

It's actually why most entrepreneurs undercharge, they think it's going to be easier to sell if they sell it for less. This is when I see a lot of women business owners struggle. When something comes easily to you, it's hard to charge a premium for it. 

You are valuable. Your skills are worth it. Your knowledge and expertise are worth the investment. When you improve your relationship with money, you'll empower yourself to be able to charge more. 

Your Relationship to What People Think 

The fear of sales and a negative relationship with money typically comes back to a fear of what other people will think. This fear of judgement is a huge barrier - and it will keep you limited until you are able to break through it. 

The truth is, every time you make an ask or do something that might seem salesy or pushy, someone might judge you for it. And when you let this rule you, you give so much of your power away. 

The number of times that you have to put yourself out there for judgment is so great - and the fear of this judgement holds entrepreneurs back from making hundreds of thousands and millions and millions and millions of dollars.

Step into Your True Potential 

If you have a broken relationship with sales, if your relationship with money is broken, if your relationship with other people thinks keeps you in so much fear that you don't take action, it doesn't matter how good your strategy is - it will not work. Because every single strategy works if you're in alignment with it. And no strategy will work if you're not in alignment with it. 

Improve your relationship with these three things, and step into your true potential as an amazing business owner. 

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